We all know about the importance of testing, we do our unit tests, we continue with our integration tests….. but in each case we are always testing isolated features and we use mocks for those things not important in those tests….. So what about testing everything with real layers and all together ? And, even better, having that big test encapsulated in our project test suits and runnable locally and from our CI… Here is where Testcontainers appear. In this talk I will explain what was my experience introducing Testcontainers in our project that includes 8 external components , and how we test the whole application including network, product versions, and taking into account particular configurations on each layer involved.

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Java Champion, Organiser at BarcelonaJUG and cofounder of the JBCNConf/DevBcn conference in Barcelona. I have worked as a (paid) developer since the first release of The Secret of Monkey Island, about 30 years ago. Former SE at Tetrate on Service Mesh and Istio on top of Kubernetes, SSE at Red Hat in Keycloak team, SSE at Ocado Technology, SSE at Netcentric. Very interested in simulated reality, psychology and Java along with management technologies. Speaker at conferences and meetups around the world : Conferences : * Oracle Code One San Francisco , DevNexus Atlanta, JFokus Sweden, Geekle.US, JConf Centro America, Dev.Conf.US, Dev.Conf.IN, JConf Mexico, JConf Peru, Japan CCC Meetups : * Barcelona, Madrid, VirtualJUG, MombaiJUG, SouJava Brasil, CharlotteJUG, Knox JUG, TiranaJUG, JUGNicaragua, DevNation, ManchesterJUG, BoliviaJUG, MalagaJUG, SwitzerlandJUG